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Taurus Horoscope

Today may challenge Taurus to show their true selves in relationships. The Sun squaring Uranus in your sign pushes for authenticity over pretense. Being genuine might be harder but it strengthens bonds and makes others comfortable around you. Include your natural self; it's your greatest asset in love today.

At work, Taurus might feel they've got everything handled, but today's Sun-Uranus square urges you to look beyond the surface. There's more happening than you realize. A broader perspective could uncover valuable insights, making this a good day to reassess plans and goals. Don't miss the forest for the trees.

This is an energizing day for your well-being, Taurus. The planetary alignment encourages breaking free from old habits that hold you back. It's an excellent opportunity to pursue a healthier lifestyle, whether through exercise or diet changes. Your motivation is high, so capitalize on it to make positive changes.

Travel may not go as planned today. Expect the unexpected and be flexible with your itineraries. Today's energy favors spontaneous, short trips over long, planned ones.

Luck today comes through embracing change and being adaptable. Unexpected moments could lead to surprising opportunities if you're open to them.

You might feel a bit unsettled today, as the Sun squares Uranus in your sign. Grasp the flux; it's a chance to grow. Your emotions can be your guide to understanding deeper desires and making necessary adjustments.

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