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Aries Horoscope

Today's opposition between the Moon in Libra and Mars in Aries sparks some straightforward conversations in your relationships. It's the perfect time to address any issues with clarity and directness. Things might feel intense, but this energy helps you clear the air and move forward positively.

As the Sun continues its journey, you might find yourself in a quieter phase at work. This isn't the time to push hard or start new projects. Instead, use this period to relax and find joy in your daily tasks without stressing about big achievements.

Today could be significant if you're planning to start a family, as your fertility energies are heightened. Alternatively, your intuition is sharp, so trust your instincts, especially regarding health decisions. It's also a good day for spending time with children and enjoying their company.

Travel might feel more taxing today. It's not the best day to start a trip. If you must travel, prepare for potential delays or minor frustrations. Keep plans flexible and allow extra time for everything.

Luck may not be strongly on your side today, particularly in matters of quick decisions or gambling. Focus on making informed choices rather than relying on chance.

The current opposition in the sky might make you feel a bit more reactive or sensitive today. Recognize these feelings and try to express them healthily. The atmosphere is right for resolving any emotional discomfort by talking things through.

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