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Aries Horoscope

Today, as the Sun in Aries forms a pleasant angle with the Moon in Gemini, you might find yourself revisiting past relationships with a fresh perspective. A familiar face might reappear, sparking interest and curiosity. Despite past reasons for parting, the changes you both have undergone could encourage a new beginning. It seems the universe…

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Taurus Horoscope

The Moon's square with Neptune in Pisces today could introduce a touch of confusion or misunderstanding in your relationships. However, your natural warmth and good humor will shine through, especially on a first date or when spending time with loved ones. Keep the atmosphere light and conversations flowing, focusing on shared interests and laughter to…

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Gemini Horoscope

With the Moon’s transition into Cancer and from your ascendant to your second house, you’re likely to find depth and substance in conversations with someone close. Whether they're offering advice or support during a tough time, the connection you're building is set to last. This period encourages deep sharing and understanding, potentially marking the beginning…

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Cancer Horoscope

As the Moon moves into your sign from the twelfth house, it's like a wake-up call in your love life. If you've been stuck in a bit of a standoff with your partner over a key issue, expect a sudden insight or piece of information to clear the air. This could come from something you…

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Leo Horoscope

Today might stir up some unease in your love life, courtesy of the Sun in Aries sextile the Moon in Gemini. It's as if the universe is wielding a big spoon, stirring up what's been settled to help you notice and address imperfections. Though it might feel uncomfortable, these challenges are meant to strengthen your…

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Virgo Horoscope

With the Moon moving from your tenth house into the eleventh, it’s clear you’ve reached a turning point in a significant relationship. Despite the turmoil, deep down you know the path you need to take. This period may have been challenging, but it also offers the clarity and courage needed to make decisions that align…

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