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Taurus Horoscope

Single signs will feel very tired of being single. However, don't say "yes" to every person who tries to flirt with you. Taken signs will have an argument about money. Some people will question your methods and your ways today. Don't let this derail you from your path to success. Expect some financial gain. If you are…

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Gemini Horoscope

The fact that you're so funny and energetic draws a lot of people towards you like you are some kind of magnet. Especially Leo signs. Taken signs will enjoy their partners company. Things are getting more difficult and giving up seems like the easiest option. Don't. Push through and in the end it will all be…

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Cancer Horoscope

You are super loving and super sensitive. However, this isn't always great. Some people just can't appreciate the fact that you are very in tune with your feelings and that's okay too. You aren't in the place where you wanted to be with your career. Keep in mind that your worth isn't determined by the amount…

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Leo Horoscope

Don't try to push things that just aren't going to work. Be with someone who genuinely cares about you, your interests and your wellbeing. Never settle. Financially, you aren't doing too well. Sadly, that part is out of your control for now. Venus is sending you good energy however. Your weak spot will be your throat today.…

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Virgo Horoscope

If you are taken, today will be a good day to discuss whether or not you want a future with this person. Single signs will have a night that they won't forget. Financially, you are kind of at a stop still. You are doing okay (not bad, but not that good), but Venus isn't really sending…

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Libra Horoscope

Reignite that passion you have been missing. Now is the time to let your inner playfulness shine. You need to work harder and you need to figure out what you are best at, what you really want and what you love. When you do that, your financial situation will improve drastically. You are under high risk of…

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