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Scorpio Horoscope

Taken Scorpios might feel a bit more passionate than usual. This is due to the magnetic energy that Venus is sending out. Even single Scorpios will feel like flirting! It is likely that you might have a chance to get a promotion today. Don't borrow money from people and don't invest or buy anything big, especially…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Taken signs will feel absolutely stable and confident when it comes to their relationship. Remember to always be kind, loving and understanding. Single signs might get along with Capricorns. Be careful what you say around your coworkers because you never know what might come back to your boss. There is going to be a chance to…

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Capricorn Horoscope

It is likely that single signs will enjoy flirting with fire signs today. Taken signs are going to have a wonderful day with their partner, full of love and care. Whatever you do - do not invest today. At work, it would be best if you spent some time with your co-workers, especially if someone wants…

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Aquarius Horoscope

Single Aquarius feel good around Virgo signs today. If you are in a long distance relationship, you will feel a little lonely today. You are very likely missing being able to see and touch your partner. If you work in an office, you need to be more assertive today. Signs who are freelance workers will have…

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Pisces Horoscope

With Venus sending out good energy, try out something that you haven't done in a while, or that you haven't done with your partner. Make sure that there is excitement in your relationship. Try to be more kind to the people that you work with. No matter if they work "under" you or "above" you. They…

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Aries Horoscope

Taken signs might feel like they have received a direct hit from cupid's bow today. Just try to relax with your partner, and enjoy the time that you spend together. Every career comes with ups and downs. Unfortunately, you might be experiencing the more "down" side of work today. Financial gain is to be expected today. It…

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