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Taurus Horoscope

Uranus is in Taurus today. This planet signifies change and its positioning in your sign could mean a new romance may be blossoming. Uranus also represents originality. It might be the time to put that unique business plan into action after all this planetary shift does only happen once every seven years. If you’ve been feeling stuck…

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Gemini Horoscope

Relationships take work. Be prepared for ups and downs in your love life for the week ahead. Don’t spend lots of money on something you aren’t completely sure of. You might regret it soon. A healthy lifestyle can be fun. Find ways to make it more manageable for you. Lack of travel plans? Brainstorm some with friends. Use your…

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Cancer Horoscope

Love isn’t supposed to be a walk in the park. Difficulties create better understanding. Your career path won’t always be straight forward. But don’t worry about a busy week. A good breakfast can set you up. Plan delicious breakfasts for something to look forward to. Take inspiration from wherever you can for your travel plans. Blink and you miss…

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Leo Horoscope

A casual date is a great way to take the pressure off getting to know someone. Try this approach and see what happens. A project might be ending this month. You will feel a big weight lifted when it does. Take time to feed your mind today. Whatever this means to you. Step out of your travel comfort…

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Virgo Horoscope

There may be doubt in your mind about a partner. Address it and whatever happens, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. Don’t focus on work or other areas that you don’t need to today. It’s your day to relax. Whatever makes you feel good to do more of it. That's what a healthy mind…

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Libra Horoscope

Show your romantic side today, Libra. It will help you to embrace love. Don’t let a negative work environment ruin your attitude. Go in positive tomorrow and take charge. Study the food groups and what you need. This will help you make informed decisions. You are never stuck anywhere, you can change your path whenever you want to. A…

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