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Aries Horoscope

The Moon and Mercury connect in Aries today, which could make you feel nervous about a blind date. You've emailed and talked on the phone a lot, but never met in person. Go for it, as it will likely be the romantic time you hoped for. The link between the Moon and Mercury brings good…

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Taurus Horoscope

The Sun in Taurus squares the Moon in Aquarius today, creating interesting dynamics in your relationships. You may think you know your closest person well, but a new side of them will surprise you. They'll seem sweeter, more tender, romantic, and irresistible than ever before, like the Moon coming out from behind a cloud. This…

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Gemini Horoscope

As Venus in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius, some issues in your relationship may seem unclear at first. Instead of trying to figure out the problem right away, be patient and let things settle. By giving it some time, you'll find that not only does the issue resolve itself, but it also creates a deeper,…

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Cancer Horoscope

With the Moon in Aquarius making a sextile to the North Node in Aries, expressing your feelings to a loved one might be a bit harder today. You're in the mood to read poetry or a dramatic novel rather than whisper sweet words to your partner. It's okay to take some time for yourself to…

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Leo Horoscope

With the Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Aquarius today, you might feel less excited about going on a date with your partner. You can't quite pinpoint why, but you're more in the mood to stay home, work on a personal project, or just relax. Taking this time for yourself could be good for…

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Virgo Horoscope

The Moon in Aquarius sextile the North Node in Aries suggests that even if you or your partner are feeling more serious than usual, you can still enjoy a date together. You might prefer a quieter, more low-key setting rather than a lively, jolly one. Consider seeing a thought-provoking play or movie that explores deep…

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