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Aries Horoscope

Today's mood may feel a bit heavy due to the Moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius, influencing a sense of detachment in your relationships. If you're planning to spend time with someone special, the atmosphere might start off cool. Patience will be key, as it might take some time for you and your date to warm up to each other. Remember, it's likely they're feeling the same way, so a slow start doesn't spell disaster for the evening.

It's crucial to maintain a light touch at work today. Trying to achieve perfection will only lead to frustration, as indicated by the demanding Moon-Pluto square. If you keep things casual and don't sweat the small stuff, you'll navigate through your tasks more smoothly. A relaxed approach will help you avoid the headaches that come with too strict a focus on the minor details.

You may feel a bit drained today, as if everyone needs something from you. This is partly due to the Moon squaring Pluto, which can make it seem like your energy is being pulled in different directions. It's important to assert yourself and reclaim your personal space. Use your cleverness to manage your boundaries effectively, and don't hesitate to take time for yourself if you need it.

Travel may be more taxing today, possibly leading to transformations in your plans. It's a good idea to double-check arrangements and allow extra time for unexpected changes or delays.

Your luck today may fluctuate, especially in personal interactions. Small misunderstandings could escalate if not handled with care. Keep a level head, and you might find a way to turn a challenging situation to your advantage.

Today might feel more emotionally intense than usual, with the Moon's challenging aspect to Pluto stirring deep feelings. You could find yourself reacting more strongly to situations than you typically would. Recognize this as just a temporary state. It's a good day to reflect on your feelings rather than act on them impulsively.

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