Unattached Capricorns, prepare to be enchanted by the wit and charisma of a Scorpio who'll enter your orbit. Those in relationships might sense a deception, trust your intuition and seek clarity.
In your professional arena, you might feel like you're walking through an inspiration desert today. Perhaps it's time to hit the pause button and rejuvenate.
On the health front, it's a breath of fresh air as you ascend into a healthier mental zone. If a recent injury has been a concern, it's worth penciling in a follow-up with your doctor.
Rosario, a sparkling city in Argentina, awaits to be explored. It's the perfect destination to quench your wanderlust.
Lady luck has set her spotlight on the numbers 7, 4, 22, 1, 94 and 74 for you today. Though be mindful and refrain from gambling or heavy investment.
Focus on sculpting the finest version of yourself. Silence the noise of overthinking and let your instincts guide you. Trust in yourself and embrace the journey.