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Capricorn Horoscope

The Moon's shift into Leo highlights a delicate balance in your personal life. Dealing with a past relationship while maintaining harmony with your current partner requires careful navigation. Honesty and clarity are essential now; it's time to reassess your feelings and communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings and to ensure everyone's on the same page.

At work, maintain your integrity and professionalism amidst challenging dynamics. The pressure might tempt you to compromise your values, but staying true to your principles is crucial. Navigate office politics with grace and avoid participating in negative conversations about colleagues. Keeping your dignity will serve your long-term career interests.

Now is a moment for personal truth and standing firm in your beliefs. Your conviction may inspire others, but remember to also care for yourself. A simple act like a warm foot soak with lavender can be a soothing ritual to recharge your energy and provide a sense of well-being.

Consider travel plans that offer a blend of relaxation and personal reflection. A quiet retreat might provide the perfect backdrop for introspection and healing.

Your integrity and ability to communicate honestly could unexpectedly open doors or resolve conflicts in your favor today. Trust in the power of authenticity.

Today's transit may intensify feelings related to past and present relationships. It's a time for emotional honesty, both with yourself and with those around you. Sorting through these emotions can lead to greater clarity and emotional growth.

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