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Sagittarius Horoscope

Open yourself to your partner. There is something that you haven't told them and it's weighing down on you. Single signs will really vibe with other single Sagittarius signs. Lately, you have been getting along with one co-worker in particular. Just be sure that other people don't see this as favoritism, because that will land…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Your partner has lied to you and this has broken your trust. Is this fixable or is your relationship doomed? Think about this, deeply. Single signs will flourish in social interactions. Expect some minor financial gain later in the day. It won't be a lot, but it's going to come exactly when you need it…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

You are going to feel all the passion that your partner has to offer you. Love is in the air and you can simply taste it. Single signs will feel good around Leo signs today. There is a problem occurring at work and even though you are usually great at fixing things, now it's like…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

There isn't a love that's deeper than the love that you are feeling for your partner right now. They understand you and they do their best to nurture the love that you have for each other. Thinking about the future at your current job is really stressing you out. That is the first sign that…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

You are just so full of life today. If you are single, go to a concert or perhaps even try speed dating. Be a little wild and do unconventional things today. Flirting and passion will come along with it. The dynamic between you and your co-workers is absolutely amazing. Show your appreciation by taking them…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Unusual romances that start now may have a good chance of becoming stable partnerships even if their beginnings are anything but orthodox. Sagittarians are more comfortable leading with ideas than leading in terms of logistical arrangements; you will however need all your Sagittarian wit and wisdom to keep projects on track and colleagues motivated. Stress…

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