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Leo Horoscope

Today's Moon conjunction with the North Node in Aries nudges you to pay closer attention to your emotions rather than trying to please others in your relationships. It's a day to listen to your inner voice and understand your true feelings, which could guide you towards making choices that are more aligned with your authentic self.

With today's astrological configuration, you're at a pivotal juncture in your career. It's a moment to set intentions for growth and be open to the subtle signs guiding your path forward. Stay alert to the messages around you, as they can lead to valuable insights and opportunities for advancement.

Feeling off lately might be a sign to look deeper into your unconscious desires. Keeping a dream journal can be a practical step towards bridging your conscious and unconscious worlds, helping to uncover and address these hidden desires. A few minutes each morning dedicated to this practice could bring significant insights.

While today’s focus might be more inward, considering a future journey that aligns with your newfound insights or emotional discoveries could be rewarding. Planning a trip that offers personal growth or exploration might resonate strongly with you now.

Your luck today is intertwined with your ability to listen to and act on your inner guidance. Opportunities for positive outcomes increase when you align your actions with your true feelings and intuitions.

The Moon's alignment with the North Node today places emphasis on emotional introspection and discovery. You might find yourself exploring deeper aspects of your psyche, leading to a heightened emotional state. Consider this journey of self-reflection to foster personal growth and emotional clarity.

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