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Libra Horoscope

Today's Moon opposite Pluto may stir up nostalgia, especially about a past relationship that left a lasting impression. It's a good day to introspect: decide if these reflections hold a lesson or if they're preventing you from appreciating what you have now. Understanding this can help you move forward more freely and fully.

Adopting a flexible approach at work will serve you well today. Avoid coming off as overly authoritative or all-knowing, as this may alienate colleagues. Listening and showing empathy will not only enhance your relationships but also open doors to new opportunities and ideas.

Your recent fun times call for some balance. Support your liver with foods like blackberries, tomatoes, dandelion, and beets. These will help detoxify and keep your energy levels high. Remember, taking care of your body allows you to enjoy life's pleasures more sustainably.

Traveling might bring more introspection today. If you're planning a trip, consider destinations that offer both relaxation and a sense of discovery.

Your luck today lies in personal growth. Reflecting on past relationships and health habits can lead to beneficial changes.

You may feel a tug between past and present emotions, making today a day for self-reflection. Understanding your feelings can lead to greater emotional freedom and satisfaction.

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