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Pisces Horoscope

That gift of gab can get you the date today! If you've tried sweet talking your way into love before, now's the time to seal that deal. Dazzle them with your wit and brains, then stop yapping and get to snuggling. Your brilliant banter is hot stuff - use your powers wisely!

Tension is mounting between bosses and staff all around you, with more defiance happening daily. Stay neutral in this conflict, pal. Keep your head down and don't get involved.

You're a wide-eyed dreamer like Lennon's "Imagine" - longing for that harmonious ideal world. No wonder earthly suffering takes its toll on you. Look after that immune system, friend! Emotional pain brings physical weakness. Keep echinacea around for tea - 8-10 drops nightly will toughen you up.

Got a trip on the horizon? Think ahead and snag those space saver bags. Especially during these pandemic times, they're like gold at the airport. Plus, it'll make packing a breeze.

The number 38's got its spotlight on you today. It's like your cosmic lucky charm. But here's a piece of advice: hold off on stock market ventures. Luck might not stretch that far today.

Feeling a bit cloudy in the emotional department today? It happens. Consider a family gathering – those bonds can work like sunshine on a gloomy day. Relax, unwind, and let the good vibes flow.

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