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Pisces Horoscope

As the Moon in Libra squares Venus on Wednesday, you must acknowledge and process emotions related to a relationship needing change. Facing how you truly feel allows you to revive stale connections by implementing necessary adjustments.

Rebellious ideas about stirring things up at work may enter your mind under Wednesday's skies. Before fomenting mutiny, carefully examine your motives to ensure valid reasons. Change is good when implemented constructively.

Initiatives started over the next six months deeply impact life directions for some time, given current alignments. Stay focused on top priorities like health, job and relationships for best outcomes. Nurture what matters most right now.

Build in plenty of extra time for any transportation or trips midweek, as minor frustrations and delays are likely. Having flexibility helps you stay calm and redirects plans positively.

Lucky chances Wednesday favor trusting your heart rather than overthinking things. Rely on intuition over logic for best results.

You may feel conflicted about a relationship when the Moon squares Venus. Lean on trusted friends to lend perspective and advice rather than isolating yourself.

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