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Pisces Horoscope

Joining a new group or course today can lead to a fascinating encounter. The Moon's square to Jupiter suggests you'll meet someone whose perspectives greatly differ from yours. While they may not share your practicality, their unique charm and approach to life will intrigue you, offering new insights and potential for a meaningful connection.

It's easy to dwell on past conversations and scenarios, especially those that didn't go as planned. Today's transit advises against overthinking these. Letting go of last week's events is crucial for setting a positive tone for the days ahead. Focus on the present and future, rather than getting stuck in what's behind you.

Relying on the 'jeans test' for your health isn't enough. The current astral climate encourages you to delve deeper into your wellness routine. Simple acts, like increasing your water intake, can have profound effects on your overall health. Remember, caring for your body is about more than just appearances; it's about feeling good inside and out.

With today's planetary alignment, consider local or short travels that can offer new experiences without the stress of long-distance planning. These mini-adventures can provide refreshing changes of scenery and opportunities for personal growth.

The Moon squaring Jupiter could create unexpected shifts in fortune, particularly in areas related to personal growth and learning. Stay open to new experiences and ideas; these could lead to fortunate discoveries or opportunities that enrich your life in unexpected ways.

Today's square between the Moon and Jupiter might amplify your emotional sensitivity, but it also offers a chance for growth. It's a day to explore your feelings and learn from them. Recognize the emotions that surface, as they can guide you towards deeper self-understanding and healing.

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