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Pisces Horoscope

Today's Mercury square Pluto transit may stir up fluctuating emotions in your love life. You might feel extremely drawn to your partner one moment and seek solitude the next. While this might cause some confusion, remember it's just a temporary phase. Being open about your need for space can help manage expectations and prevent misunderstandings.

Your career benefits from your current boldness, thanks to the transit. This is a good time to initiate significant projects or make decisions that you've been considering. Your creative energy and courage are peaking, making it an ideal time to act on your ambitions and set plans in motion.

Today's astrological aspect offers a chance to identify and change any negative health habits. It's a good day to start letting go of routines that no longer serve you, like poor eating habits or neglecting exercise. Welcome the opportunity for change and give your body the care it needs.

Travel could be more stressful today, with the potential for unexpected issues arising. It's wise to plan for extra time and flexibility. Avoid complicated travel plans if possible, and if you must travel, prepare for the unexpected.

Luck today might be unpredictable. The key is to approach situations with flexibility and openness. Adapting to circumstances rather than trying to control them could lead to surprising opportunities.

The square between Mercury and Pluto can lead to emotional highs and lows today. It's important to stay aware of these swings and manage them carefully. Being mindful of your reactions and talking through your feelings can help stabilize your mood.

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