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Sagittarius Horoscope

As Venus rises, your craving for romance and emotionality intensifies. Carve out some quality time for you and your partner by planning a cozy getaway. Single Sagittarians, watch out for a flirtatious encounter with a charming Leo.

With a stable income in place, you're now seeking creative ways to generate additional cash. At work, enjoy a smooth sailing day, effortlessly navigating daily tasks.

Today, you must be particularly vigilant about your well-being, as Pluto's influence renders you vulnerable. Prioritize both your mental and physical health, ensuring a holistic approach to self-care.

A journey shared with your partner is the perfect remedy for your wanderlust, helping you forge a deeper connection and enrich your relationship through shared experiences.

Hold off on major investments or real estate transactions today. The stars suggest that tomorrow may be a more opportune moment for such ventures.

Don't let emotions overtake you, Sagittarius. If you're grappling with depression or anxiety, seek the guidance of a therapist to help navigate these turbulentwaters and sail towards calmer seas.

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