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Sagittarius Horoscope

With today's Moon square the North Node, you're encouraged to openly communicate in your relationships. It's a prime opportunity to express yourself fully and clear the air. This honesty will not only be welcomed but can significantly improve your connections. Use this time to talk about any issues or feelings, combining sincerity with compassion.

Now is the moment to act decisively in your career. The support you need is readily available, and the confidence you seek is already within you. Push forward with determination, as making a bold career move now could lead to substantial rewards. Your current position is advantageous for success.

Feeling pressured to have all the answers is natural, but remember, perfection is unattainable. Forgive yourself for any missteps and focus on basic wellness principles: nourishing food, sufficient rest, and regular exercise. Start making balanced choices today to improve your overall well-being.

Travel plans should be approached with flexibility and an open mind today. Exploring new places can bring insights and clarity, especially if you're feeling stuck in any aspect of your life. Welcome the journey as much as the destination.

Your luck today lies in your willingness to communicate openly and to take bold steps towards your goals. Opportunities may arise from having the courage to speak up and act on your convictions.

The astrological alignment today may stir up intense feelings but also offers a chance for emotional growth. Speaking your truth can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs. Seize this opportunity for emotional clarity.

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