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Scorpio Horoscope

The current transit may have you seeing someone through rose-colored glasses, projecting an ideal rather than reality. Remember, it's okay to acknowledge someone's imperfections. Real love encompasses all facets of a person, not just the idealized version. Keep this in mind as you navigate your feelings.

Be cautious in your professional dealings today. The shift into Taurus could leave you feeling more vulnerable to manipulation. Stand firm in your convictions and avoid being swayed by others' agendas. Your ability to remain true to yourself will be your greatest asset in avoiding being used.

If you're feeling hesitant about trying a new health routine, remember that it's okay to seek support. Whether it's a friend or a digital coach, inviting someone to join you can make a new challenge more approachable. Your willingness to be vulnerable and ask for help is a strength, not a weakness.

Now may not be the best time for spontaneous travel plans. Focus on solidifying your current situation before venturing out. The stability provided by the Moon's transition into Taurus suggests that patience and planning will serve you better than impulsive decisions.

Your luck today may be closely tied to how well you can distinguish between genuine opportunities and those that seem too good to be true. Trust your intuition and seek advice when uncertain.

Today might bring a mix of feelings as you navigate through the day's energies. Stay grounded and remember to communicate openly about your uncertainties. It's through expressing your vulnerability that you'll find strength and clarity.

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