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Scorpio Horoscope

Under today's Moon opposite Pluto, a gentle approach in love is advisable. Rushed or too-bold moves might not be received as hoped. Your usual discipline is your ally here; careful, measured actions will make a better impression on someone special. Patience and persistence, coupled with a respectful distance, could pave the way for a deeper connection.

In your career, adopting a defensive strategy is wise. With the current planetary opposition, it's not the day for risky ventures or aggressive moves. Focus on solidifying your position and safeguarding your projects. Reviewing and refining your plans conservatively will serve you better than pushing the envelope, ensuring you maintain a steady course amidst potential upheavals.

Today, emphasize self-care and recognize your efforts, even if they go unnoticed by others. Concentrate on what benefits you directly: a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. Building and maintaining a healthy body should be your priority, a task that demands daily commitment but promises long-term rewards.

With today's transits, travel plans should be approached with caution. It's a time for careful consideration rather than spontaneous decisions. If travel is necessary, prioritize safety and familiarity over adventure, focusing on destinations where you can maintain control and stability.

Luck may be subtle today, manifesting more through internal insights and personal growth than external opportunities. Pay attention to the lessons learned and the strength gained from navigating today's challenges, as these are where your true fortune lies.

The celestial opposition might stir intense feelings, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and internal validation. Seek comfort in knowing your worth isn't measured by external approval. Today calls for introspection and self-affirmation, grounding yourself in your values and emotional needs.

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