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Scorpio Horoscope

Today's Moon square Mars transit may cause you to feel more guarded or skeptical towards someone close. It's easy to think the worst, but these fears are likely unfounded. Try to relax your defenses and let some positivity in. Showing warmth and openness can transform your interactions, leading to a more rewarding connection with this person. It's a good time to reassess your feelings and give others the benefit of the doubt.

At work, you may find yourself in a position to assist a colleague unexpectedly. While it's not essential to rearrange all your plans, offering your help could lead to mutual benefits. Collaborating closely could pave the way for shared achievements and may even enhance your professional relationship. It's a day to be cooperative and supportive.

Today feels easier health-wise, thanks to a supportive transit. Feeling lucky? Capitalize on this by staying hydrated and focusing on detoxifying your body. Drinking plenty of water will help cleanse your liver and flush toxins. Regular exercise will also aid this purification process. It's an excellent time to be proactive about your health, taking pride in your efforts to maintain wellness.

Travel plans could be impacted today, as the Moon's square to Mars suggests possible tensions or minor conflicts on the go. If traveling, plan for contingencies and stay flexible. Short, local trips are likely to be more successful than long-distance journeys today.

Luck may seem fleeting with today's challenging transit. It's a day to rely less on chance and more on deliberate action. Focus on what you can control, especially in personal and professional relationships.

The square between the Moon and Mars might make you feel emotionally intense or moody today. You could experience swings between distrust and the desire to connect deeply. Acknowledge these feelings without letting them overwhelm you. Seek stability through activities that ground you, like meditation or spending quiet time in nature.

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