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Taurus Horoscope

Every now and then, single Taurus signs feel excluded from their friends due to the fact that they are single. Don’t worry, Taurus. Romance will come along very soon.

Don’t worry so much about money, Taurus! You are creating problems that don’t exist yet. At work, you may need to help out a coworker who you don’t like that much.

You may experience some pain in your teeth or in your gums. It would be good if you went and saw your dentist. Otherwise, the pain may only get worse.

The ideal place for you to travel to is going to be Indonesia. They have such a rich and beautiful culture that will truly fascinate you.

Your lucky numbers are going to be 5, 22, 19, 83, and 1 today. You may experience some minor financial luck today.

You have always been the king/queen of handling your emotions. However, today it would be good for you if you had a “venting” session with one of your close friends.

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