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Aries Horoscope

Today's transit with the Moon in Aries aligning with the North Node in Aries hints at a pivotal moment for your relationships. It's a day to seriously think about the future with your significant other. While taking the next step may seem daunting, genuine effort and open communication will reassure your partner that advancing together…

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Taurus Horoscope

With the New Moon in Aries today, your attention might unexpectedly shift towards someone at work or in a professional setting. A conversation could spark a realization of a strong mutual attraction that was overlooked before. This newfound connection could lead to an exciting yet surprising twist in your love life. Today's Aries New Moon…

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Gemini Horoscope

Today's Moon conjunct the North Node in Aries emphasizes a turning point in your personal connections. A friendship may evolve into something more as deeper feelings surface during a shared event. This revelation can be thrilling yet overwhelming, marking the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship. Your social skills and friendly demeanor are…

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Cancer Horoscope

With the New Moon in Aries, it's a time for introspection rather than making big moves in your love life. You might find yourself reevaluating decisions or feelings, which can lead to uncertainty. It's okay to take a step back and wait for clarity. Actions taken in a few days, when you feel more certain,…

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Leo Horoscope

Today's Moon conjunction with the North Node in Aries nudges you to pay closer attention to your emotions rather than trying to please others in your relationships. It's a day to listen to your inner voice and understand your true feelings, which could guide you towards making choices that are more aligned with your authentic…

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Virgo Horoscope

The New Moon in Aries brings a creative and expressive energy into your love life. Today, you'll find yourself wanting to communicate your feelings in more poetic and artistic ways than usual. This is a perfect time to surprise your partner with something written from the heart. Your efforts will not only be appreciated but…

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