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Aries Horoscope

Today's mood may feel a bit heavy due to the Moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius, influencing a sense of detachment in your relationships. If you're planning to spend time with someone special, the atmosphere might start off cool. Patience will be key, as it might take some time for you and your date…

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Taurus Horoscope

With the Moon opposing Mercury today, you might find yourself second-guessing how much you've shared with a new romantic interest. It's a day where playing it cool could benefit you. Pulling back a little may make you feel more comfortable and give you time to see if your feelings are reciprocated without making yourself too…

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Gemini Horoscope

The cosmic setting today suggests it might be wise to spend some time alone, stepping back from close relationships to focus on your needs. You've been so merged with others' lives that you've put your routines and personal goals aside. Use this day to reconnect with yourself, enjoy your hobbies, and reflect on what you…

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Cancer Horoscope

Today's opposition between the Moon and Mercury may lead you to strongly resist a plan or idea that your loved one is excited about. Instead of outright rejecting it, try to explain your concerns. Discussing your feelings and fears honestly can help both of you understand each other better and find a middle ground. Your…

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Leo Horoscope

Today’s transit might make you feel a bit unsure in romantic situations, especially if it’s a new connection. You might find yourself struggling for words at first, but remember, your date is likely feeling the same way. Show genuine interest in their stories, and you’ll find the conversation will start to flow naturally. This can…

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Virgo Horoscope

If your partner is quieter than usual today, it's likely influenced by the Moon's tense square to Pluto. Pressuring them to open up will only push them further away. Give them space and time they need; they'll come around when they're ready. Patience will be your best approach today, ensuring that the situation doesn't escalate.…

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