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Sagittarius Horoscope

Sagittarius, you might feel a little sad today. It might feel like everybody has that one person that they were dreaming of and you are all alone. That's not true! You have lots of people who love you! Associate with positive people, and avoid complainers and slackers at all costs. Avoid griping to fellow employees…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Be more affectionate, open and warm to your partner. It's something that they love about you. Single Sagittarius signs will be seduced by a seemingly innocent Taurus. Requesting feedback form your direct manager is an important part of lifelong learning, and is great to solicit a few compliments as well. Knowing your purpose in the…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Taken signs should do something exciting and romantic for their partner. Single signs will be impressed by an intelligent Libra. It might even result in a very beautiful relationship. Today is ideal for some change. If you are thinking about getting some more knowledge or getting back to any sort of school or college, do…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Taken signs have been extra passionate and loving towards their partner. You don't need to buy them expensive gifts, just tell them affectionate things such as "I appreciate you" more often. Expect minor financial gain. A superior or a co-worker is going to test your patience today. Show them that you are professional and that…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

Sagittarius signs in monogamous long term relationships are going to feel a bit bored today. Try to have a talk about your emotional needs. Single signs are going to crush on a water sign today. A superior might want to talk to you today about offering you a better paid position. Unemployed signs are going…

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Sagittarius Horoscope

You can be very stern but then you can be very soft and very loving. This tends to confuse your partner from time to time. Be more open with your intentions. Single signs are enjoying the single life. Don't pay attention to what is being talked about you behind your back. If it's serious, get…

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