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Pisces Horoscope

Pisces are in a very protective mood and your will stand by your man/woman with zeal - no one can cross you partner without having you to deal with too.

This is a good day for all decisions that have to be made fast and Pisces are mentally alert and able to absorb the relevant facts and figures quickly to reach a suitable decision. Strike while the iron is hot is a perfect saying for today.

Pisces feel good today; you are feeling fit, supple and moving with ease which aids your flexibility in all sports. Mars nearing a square to your ascendant will increase your mental stamina in competition.

Travel to meet new friends or potential partner is favored.

Venus on your ascendant brings luck when you enhance your image - personal or business...

Listen to your dreams and meditate to gain more perspective; this is not a time to be materialistic.

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